Advocacy and the Arts

NCJW CNS has purchased a block of tickets for the Sunday, July 10th, 2:00 PM show

$45 price per ticket – proceeds go to benefit the Chicago Abortion Fund (CAF).

Acclaimed journalist Natalie Y. Moore’s book “The Billboard” transforms from the page to the 16th Street stage at Northwestern’s Abbott Hall. Moore’s play, directed by TaRon Patton, follows a fictional women’s clinic in Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood and their fight with Demetrius Drew, a local irritator running for City Council. When Demetrius puts up a provocative billboard proclaiming, “Abortion is genocide. The most dangerous place for a Black child is his mother’s womb,” Tanya Gray and her Black Women’s Health Initiative are spurred to fight back with their own controversial sign.
Additional donations to CAF can be made directly through NCJW CNS.

Many of you have asked what can we do if Roe v Wade is overturned. While we can be grateful that here in Illinois our Reproductive Rights are guaranteed, we know that is not true for people in other states.  Illinois will become a ‘Safe Haven’ for many pregnant people in this country.  Chicago Abortion Fund (CAF) believes that state borders, bans, and restrictions should not limit one’s access to care – and they strive to break down these barriers.

CAF regularly hears from over 500 people a month seeking support accessing care and they return 100% of those calls.  Learn more about this great organizational partner here: