National Council of Jewish Women Welcomes Final Election Results

November 6, 2020

Alyson Malinger, West End Strategy Team
[email protected]; 917-935-7311

National Council of Jewish Women Welcomes Final Election Results
Jewish women celebrate first female vice president-elect, look forward to partnership with next administration to advance NCJW’s mission.

WASHINGTON – With the outcome of the 2020 presidential election now decisively showing Joe Biden will become the next president of the United States and Kamala Harris will become the first female vice president, National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) CEO Sheila Katz released the following statement:

“We look forward to working with President-elect Joe Biden and, in particular, we are proud to celebrate the glass ceiling-breaking milestone of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris becoming the first woman, first Black person and first South Asian American elected to serve in this capacity.

“This election was an example of our democracy at work. Because of the efforts of so many, including National Council of Jewish Women advocates, we were able to protect the vote and ensure that every voice counted. NCJW’s 29 state policy advocates; more than 30 Promote the Vote, Protect the Vote captains; and all 59 of our sections engaged in this election: through education, registering voters, getting out the vote, and volunteering as poll workers.

“The lives of women, families, and children will be greatly improved because of our work across the country, including in Colorado where NCJW advocates led the effort to oppose Prop 115, the ballot measure that would have banned 22 week abortions. NCJW California sections also successfully worked to pass Prop 17, restoring the right to vote for returning citizens.

“Over the last four years our network of advocates have been fighting against a series of problematic executive orders that impact vulnerable Americans including low income families, women, and people of color. To better protect these populations, we call on President-elect Biden to immediately restore Title X, to reinstate the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, rescind the Muslim Ban and Global Gag Rule, and reinstate protections including the birth control benefit in the Affordable Care Act.

“The next administration and Congress must protect the right of all people to safe, accessible, and affordable health care including codifying into the law legal abortion throughout our nation and eliminating the Hyde Amendment once and for all. We will continue to work with Congress to ensure the appointment of fair, independent, and qualified judges. We will urge the new Congress to take up and pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

“We remain dedicated to protecting and improving the lives of women, children and families and we will continue our tireless work to bring about change that increases equity and justice so everyone has the same rights and access.”


National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms. More information on, Facebook and on Twitter.

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