January 24

Spotlight on Reproductive Justice

January 24, 7:00 pm

Can We Talk? About Abortion? Start 2022 with a new look at reproductive rights!

Words matter! Can we REALLY talk? In the 1970s we fought for reproductive justice with coat hanger images! We must evolve our messaging if we want to be effective in advocating for our rights.

We must not be defensive or apologetic.  Let’s learn how to talk to our partners and adversaries and reach and find ways to move each other through shared values.

Sarah Hirsen will update us on 73ForwardNCJW’s national movement for abortion justice, the current state of abortion access in Illinois, and what we can do with our Illinois partner organizations.

Speakers Jackii Wang and Olympia Feil of The National Women’s Law Center (NWLC), will share how evolving messaging resonates and allows us to speak persuasively in the current climate. Jackii, Senior Legislative Analyst for the Federal Reproductive Rights and Health Team, and Olympia, Director of Media Relations, will provide the vocabulary we need to confidently, authentically, and effectively talk about abortion.  We’ll then practice the new messaging to strengthen our impact.

Register using the form below.