NCJW CNS Board of Directors
NCJW Chicago North Shore is governed by a Board of Directors which sets the policy and direction of the organization, contributes to the achievement of programmatic goals, and fulfills a variety of fiduciary responsibilities.
President: Jan Schwartz Jan is a retired Licensed Psychologist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker who had 40 years of clinical experience in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Early in her career, she developed and directed a low/no cost counseling center for the uninsured at a neighborhood agency, followed by being the Director of The Rape and Sexual Assault Center. She had a successful private practice for thirty years, specializing in multiple areas, including treating post-traumatic stress disorder. When she and her husband moved to Chicago in 2016 to be closer to family, it became an opportunity to begin her second career as a volunteer in the fight for social justice. Jan is a team builder who is very interested in building partnerships in the community. As NCJW’s Co-State Policy Advocate IL, with the support of both NCJW Illinois sections, she began two coalitions, Promote the Vote Illinois, and Promote Equity Illinois in order to join forces within the community to have the greatest voice possible in fighting voter suppression and the threat of losing civil rights. Both coalitions quickly grew to have over thirty organization coalition partners and many supporting organizational partners. Only a team, a very large one, can make a difference.
VP of Communications & Marketing: Holly Smith In the fall of 2012, along with her husband, son, and dog, Holly moved to Evanston from Shorewood, WI, where she had been teaching English and linguistics and working on her PhD at UW-Milwaukee. A few years ago, she decided to leave academia and has never looked back. She started taking art classes, and has been pursuing more creative work, volunteering in her community, and gratefully savoring the everyday.
Treasurer: Kim Sterling Kim Sterling is the vice president of professional services for the National Commission on Correctional Health Care, with responsibilities in marketing, communications, publications, and events. In addition to a career in not-for-profit management, she has been active in her community as a volunteer. She is active in Sister District Greater Chicago, a progressive organization focused on state legislatures. She lives in Wilmette and always has a book loaded up on her kindle.

Co-Director of Advocacy: Tina Cantrell A native Californian, Tina moved to Illinois at the request of her daughter who was getting married and settling in the North Shore. A retired educator, Tina received her BA from the University of California, Berkeley, (math and theatre) and Doctorate from Claremont Graduate University (Educational Administration). She taught high school before becoming an administrator, serving as a high school principal and superintendent. After moving to Illinois, Tina once again accepted a high school principal position, keeping it until she retired. A life-long volunteer, she was president of ORT, a global Jewish educational network, wrote grants for second-language learners and immigrant status improvement, and supported the local food pantry. Since moving to Illinois, she has been active in NCJW, accepting several positions including the presidency. She is also a co-leader of a Chicago chapter of the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom, an organization to build trust, respect, and relationships between Muslim and Jewish women. This coming year, Tina will co-chair Advocacy, along with Donna Fishman.
Co-Director of Advocacy: Donna Fishman Donna Fishman, MPH is a public health professional and has served in many capacities for NCJW Chicago North Shore including president, vice president for community service, co-chair for suburban salon, and staff for Next Generation. Nationally, she served as IL State Policy Advocacy chair, and on the nominating, program support, and resolutions committee. Donna is excited to provide strategic direction to community services and link our “on the ground” work with our advocacy work.
Director of Community Service: Iris Iglarsh With 40 years of experience in corporate communications for large, Chicago-based companies, Iris retired to pursue a career as a fiction writer. Her first published novel, Kirby’s Dilemma, is an adventure story for children between the ages of eight to 12. Recently, Kirby’s Dilemma has been adapted into a musical entitled Michael B. Brave. Iris also has participated in many community service initiatives. She currently is the President of a National Organization for Women (NOW) chapter in the Chicago-area, with an emphasis on helping women and children. Iris lives in the Chicago area with her husband and dog.
Director of Education: Amy Kleinman Amy is passionate about creating and providing adult education programs and has enjoyed the past two years as the NCJWCNS Board Director of Education. In addition to her work with NCJW, she’s active at Temple Sholom on the Women’s Steering Committee, where she helps plan programs and events. Born in Shaker Heights, Ohio, Amy graduated from Northwestern University and was a director in the American Bar Association’s Meeting Planning Department for almost 20 years. Amy is retired and lives with her husband in Lincoln Park. She’s thrilled that her two adult children also reside in Chicago. Amy participates in a book club, adult education classes, dance and yoga, and goes to the theater as often as possible.
Director of Membership Engagement: Jill Perlman Jill has been an active member of NCJW for the past 40 years, serving as South Cook Section president and organizing numerous fundraising initiatives. She remains committed to supporting NCJW core values and social justice programs. In her current CNS position she hopes to connect people with projects in a collaborative way. Jill came from Uniontown, PA to Evanston to attend Northwestern University where she received her B.S. and M.A. She teaches English as a Second Language, previously to children and now to adults. She enjoys Pilates and spending time with family, especially her grandkids and doggy.
Sandi Abel: Sandi grew up in Chicago and graduated from Mundelein College with a degree in Psychology in 1976. She worked in the financial services industry for almost 40 years in many roles. She’s been a lifetime member of Hadassah, holding the office of president 3 times with the Tamar-Modin group of the Chicago Chapter, along with many other positions. Sandi is currently an active member of Congregation Beth Shalom in Northbrook and works in the gift shop and is the co-chair of their annual holiday challah sale. Sandi is also a member of the Saints organization as a theater usher. She’s lived in Niles for almost 37 years. Sandi enjoys all of her volunteer work, and also spending time at senior center events and with her friends.
Susan Blumberg-Kason: Susan is writer based in the Chicago western suburbs. She has been involved with NCJW for over a dozen years, going back to well before the Tri-County section merged with Chicago North Shore. In her free time, she volunteers with senior citizens at the Chinese American Service League in Chicago’s Chinatown. Susan and her family are members of Oak Park Temple.
Barbara Dolinger: Barbara was born and raised in Chicago. She attended Ohio State University and majored in Social Work. For many years, she worked as a settlement house social worker with children, teens and families. She later furthered her education with a master’s degree in Counseling from Xavier University. Barbara joined NCJW when she was living in Columbus, Ohio and raising her family. Later on in her life, she moved back to Illinois and joined the Chicago North Shore Section. She worked as a school counselor at a middle school in Waukegan. During that time, Barbara also earned her Administrator’s certificate and subbed as a principal. Since her retirement, she became more active in NCJW, specifically our Community Service activities. During the pandemic, a committee met and collected food items for struggling families. This grew into the Mother’s Day Baskets for women living in shelters – a NCJW initiate Barbara cares deeply about.
Sandy Falkin: Sandy was born and raised in West Rogers Park. She is a retired Corporate Human Resources Benefits Analyst. Sandy has worked with several charities such as Gift of Adoption Fund, The Ark, Northbrook Food Pantry and Cornerstone Jamaica. She was a past chapter president in Women’s American ORT and served on the Parent’s Board of Bradley University. She lives in Northbrook with her husband Steve. Sandy brings a solid background in Charity and administrative work. She looks forward to serving on the board and making a positive contribution to NCJW.
Debby Levinson: Debby grew up on the south side of Chicago and attended a newly created public high school where she later returned to teach, create a recognized student arts magazine, and plan professional development opportunities and theater outings for faculty and staff. After obtaining an MA in education administration later in her career, she served as an administrator at an elementary school, middle school and high school. When Debby moved with her husband and 2 children to the Homewood-Flossmoor area, she joined NCJW South Cook, where she volunteered with wonderful women working on the opening events, annual garden walks and Aunt Martha’s layette project. Once she and her husband moved back to the city, Debby started attending the NCJW Chicago North Shore Spotlight programs and joined the education committee where she enjoys working with incredible women to create meaningful educational and inspirational programs. Debby is also involved at Temple Sholom of Chicago in the women’s and social justice groups, and has helped create and co-lead the Chesed Circle (caring committee). Debby’s happy places are with her loved ones, on the yoga mat, enjoying the arts, and in the kitchen cooking and baking for family and friends.
Sue Rifas: Retired from the Jewish Federation-Jewish United Fund of Chicago in 2015 after having served in a number of positions, the last of which was Vice President of Operations. Served as Co-Chair of NCJW CNS Jewish Community Against Sex-Trafficking (JCAST Chicago); participant in NCJW CNS Court Watch program. Currently Chair of the Jewish Women’s Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago (JWF); am a founding Trustee of JWF and previously served as its Grants Chair and Advocacy Committee Chair. I love movies and have been taking a film class through Oakton Community College Emeritus Program. I also love cats and was a volunteer with PAWS Chicago.
Rian Spencer: Rian is a Private Wealth Advisor and Vice President at Bernstein Private Wealth Management in Chicago, Il. She serves as a lead advisor and relationship manager to high-net-worth individuals, families, and organizations, including closely held and family-owned businesses. Rian works closely with clients to gain a complete understanding of their lifestyle, career, philanthropic, and wealth-planning goals. She worked for BMO and BMO Private Bank for 18 years before joining Bernstein in 2021 where she spent her career in Retail Banking, Commercial Banking, and Wealth Management. Rian holds a BA from Ohio University in Spanish and an MBA from Roosevelt University in Chicago. She is an Advisory Board Member of the Walter Heller College of Business at Roosevelt University, a Board Member of the Woman’s Leadership Council at Roosevelt University, and a Mentor at Roosevelt University’s Professional Mentoring Program. She previously served as a Board Member at Youth Services of Glenview-Northbrook and Shelter, Inc. in Arlington Heights. She has two sons and enjoys yoga and watching her son’s baseball games.
Co-State Policy Advocate (SPA): Amy Rubin Amy Rubin recently retired as JCFS Chicago’s Senior Director of Jewish Community Services where she was responsible for programming focused on domestic violence, sexual abuse, harassment, addiction, and other issues that impact Jewish homes and families. Amy is a lifelong passionate advocate for the health, safety and well-being of women and girls. She lives in Old Town Chicago, escapes to her home in Arizona during the winter, is an avid reader, and enjoys spending time with her two granddaughters.
Co-State Policy Advocate (SPA): Diane Schaar I am a transplant from the South Suburbs and South Cook Section, moving to Burr Ridge to be closer to family. A retired Pediatrician, I worked on the far South side of Chicago for over 40 years. My passion is the health and well-being of children and their families, stressing the need for greater equity in health care and educational opportunities in a safe environment that will help our children become successful adults. I also spend time as a volunteer for DuPage CASA, am an avid reader, baker and ice cream maker, dog lover and find absolute joy in watching my grandchildren grow.